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USA > Tamiya Kit No. 35346 - U.S. Medium Tank M4A3E8 Sherman “Easy Eight” European Theatre |
U.S. Medium Tank M4A3E8 Sherman “Easy Eight” European Theatre |
Tamiya, 1/35 scale |
by Brett Green |

Here is my Tamiya 1/35 scale M4A3E8 "Easy Eight" Sherman - my last completion for 2015.
Tamiya's new kit is everything you would expect - very good detail, accurate, straightforward assembly. In short, a pleasure to build!

I decided to convert my Easy Eight into an up-armoured tank based on a photo provided by Bruce Culver. This fascinating vehicle not only included thick applique armour on the front and the hull and turret sides, but also chicken wire! The upper glacis armour plate is from Tank Workshop. All the rest were cut from thick plastic sheet.

I also added stowage and an ID pennant on the rear deck, and a spare .30 cal machine gun on the turret roof. The .50 cal was relocated according to the photo too.

I have written up this project for a Feature Article in Issue 119 of Model Military International magazine; accompanied by a reference article on the type. I'll be adding the new Tamiya U.S. European Tank Crew figures in the article too.
MMI is also available as a digital magazine that you can read on your PC or Mac home computer. This means it is less expensive, and that the issues are available easily on day of publication the World over.

Tamiya's brand new 1:35 scale European Theatre tank crew figures were also used for this project. These figures are very well sculpted and detailed, and feature natural poses. I also particularly liked the clear goggles.

To subscribe or buy single issues each month just go to www.pocketmags.com and register with an email address and password.
Thanks to Tamiya for the sample
Tamiya kits are distributed in the UK by The Hobby Company Limited
Model, Images and Text
by Brett Green
Page Created 28 December, 2015
Page Last Updated
10 January, 2016