Submit an article
Thank you for your interest in submitting an article to
We are pleased to accept well-written articles and accompanying images
that will be of interest to our audience
We do not pay for articles or images and we do not accept articles/images
that are primarily advertisements. However, you may place a biographical
section at the end of your article. It should be no more than 30 to 40
words in length.
Below are instructions for submitting your article to the
website. We ask that you read the terms of your Agreement with
Terms and Conditions

By submitting an article/images to us, you agree to let us use the article/images
on the website. You agree not display your article/images
on other English language websites. You, however, retain all copyrights
to your work and remain free to publish your images in all other media.
By submitting an image/images, you are verifying it is your work and you
are the legal copyright holder of such work, and will hold us harmless
of any and all copyright disputes or actions which may result because
of copyright infringement issues.
Please, don't forget to proof-read and spell-check your article before
submitting, although we will edit for spelling, grammar and punctuation
if needed. Please note that by submitting an article, you are authorizing
the editor of to make any revisions if needed.
You understand that submission of your article to in
any way does not guarantee that we will use your article on the
By submitting an article, you are indicating that you have read, understand,
and agree to these terms.
an article
If you have additional questions about submitting content to,
please send an email to