Eduard M47 Patton photo-etched
brass (35718)
by Frank De Sisto
Price: $22.95 USD.
Back in the olden days, Italeri had a fine reputation based largely on
several kits such as their Leopard 1A4, M13/40 and M47. I have always
hoped for a set dedicated to the M47, and have been pestering Eduard on
and off regarding this subject for several years. Well, the wait is over
for those of us who might have one of these kits stashed away.
I am not worried by the argument that Eduard is “making a set for
a kit that is not currently available to modelers”. Italeri also
has a deserved reputation for re-releasing kits every few years, so if
you don’t have an M47 be patient. It’ll probably be here sooner
than you think.

In typical Eduard fashion, there are detail parts for the less-than-desirable
Italeri kit’s .50-cal. M2 machine gun including: barrel cooling
jacket (although, oddly enough, there is no cooling jacket for the hull
.30 cal.), carry handle, fore and aft sights, grips and trigger, pintle
and cradle, as well as an ammo box, lid, tray, connection plate, chains
and belted ammo. This last is flat and is not the best solution to providing
this detail.

The remainder of the turret gets new detail parts to replicate the clips
that were used to mount the canvas mantlet cover, as well as details for
the range finder apertures, commander’s vision blocks, sheet metal
and wire guards for various periscopes and gun sights, hinge details for
the bustle stowage box and new jerry can racks and straps. There are also
tool straps and brackets as well as other details for the turret.

The hull receives the usual head- and tail-lamp mounts and brush guards.
There is a completely new pioneer tool rack, new handles for the tool
boxes as well as the stiffeners seen on the front and rear mud guards.
All hatches get inner and outer details including handles, brush guards,
periscopes and their mounts and rotating plates.
Just about the only item missing is the angle iron rain gutters seen
on the sides of some turrets, which can be easily replicated with styrene
stock. So, we have a very complete set which will take a fine old kit
and bring it up to a very high level of detail.
Highly recommended.
Eduard products are available at retail and mail order shops and directly
from the manufacturer at:
Visit their web site for images of reviewed items.