Archer Dry Transfers
by Nick Cortese
Dry Transfers in 1/48th-scale. With the growing interest and popularity
of 1/48 scale amour, Archer have just released number of nice 1/48 dry
transfer sets for any fan of Soviet subjects that will sure to please.
The quality of these transfers are as per usual for Archer … Crisp
and clearly printed, with the registration spot on for the 2 color transfers
as well as the single white color.
It might be somewhat weird to ask but many of the kits seem not to be
available Like the T-70 as well as the KV-1 for example in 1/48 scale!!
… If someone knows, please get in touch with me to set me straight
Anyhow, Archer have surpassed themselves once more, offering 1/48-scale
modelers an easier, simple and ample solution to there kit markings.
Soviet WWII Unit and Tactical Symbols #1 #AR48206
Researched by Michael McSwiney
Over 50 insignias for 25 units.

Soviet WWII Unit and Tactical Symbols #2 #AR48207
Researched by Michael McSwiney
40 insignias for 20 units.

Soviet WWII Unit and Tactical Symbols #3 #AR48208
Researched by Michael McSwiney
36 insignias for 18 different units.

Soviet T-34/76 Turret Markings #AR48036
Researched by Michael McSwiney and Cookie Sewell
2 Colors (white and red). Builds 7 vehicles including 1 OT-34

Soviet T-34/76 Turret Markings #AR48028
Researched by Michael McSwiney and Cookie Sewell
All white Markings. Will build 7 vehicles.

The quality and overall “bang for the buck” value of any
of these Transfers sets are excellent. Anyone interesed in soviet 1/48
amour should not miss looking into these sets as a simple solution to
some very interesting vehicle markings.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to Wally at Archer Dry Transfers at: