American Firepower Series Volume
One, The M-1 Carbine
by Tom Laemlein

Armor Plate Press, no ISBN, 52 pages
This is a great collection of NARA photographs showing the
M-1 Carbine in use. The period ranges from WW2 to Korea and all the photos
are very well reproduced, making this an excellent reference for how the
carbine was handled and what its users looked like. Although there are
a couple of US Army Ordnance drawings showing its action mechanism and
the breakdown of parts this is not a “how to model it” book
but one showing it in use in all kinds of circumstances. It becomes very
clear that the carbine was not a poor relation of the rifle but a combat
weapon in its own right, with USMC infantry, Army tankers, infantry MG
crews and many others carrying it as their main personal armament. Here
is superb reference for their combat uniforms and personal gear too, making
this a great book for figure modellers as well as for AFV modellers wanting
authentic figures to go with their tanks. And speaking of tanks, there
are several nice shots to spice up the book for armour fans. A USMC M4A2
Sherman on Okinawa displays not only a variant I haven’t seen before
on deep wading gear but also a neat concertina dustcover on the recoil
section of its gun, there’s a Type 95 showing some markings on the
next page and an early M4A3E8 with steel tracks and oval loader’s
hatch, plus several other vehicles – even a Japanese bicycle with
a registration plate!
The book is available from Armor Plate Press at www.armorplatepress.com
for US$24.95 plus p&p but there’s no UK stockist yet.
Highly recommended!
John Prigent