Home > Reviews > Modern>Star Decals 1/35 M29C Weasel Les Expeditions Polaires Francaises, Set No. 35-C1420

M29C Weasel Les Expeditions Polaires Francaises

Star Decals, 1/35 scale

Reviewed by Peter Brown





Star Decals 1/35 M29C Weasel Les Expeditions Polaires Francaises, Set No.35-C1420

Media and Contents:

Waterslide decal sheet and instructions.


Available online from Star Decals and model retailers worldwide.

Review Type:

First Read


Interesting subjects; high quality printing; covers a nice range of subjects.




A welcome addition to Star Decals' range.



One of the more unusual uses for Weasel amphibians was as part of polar explorations.

This set gives markings for some French expeditions from the 1940s and 50s which used them painted orange with canvas tops and those in the late 1950s and 60s, modified with new front sections and painted white with orange hard tops.



Markings are mostly lettering and tricoleur flags but there are logos including one which looks like Disney's Pinocchio.

Something unusual!

They may be purchased from various suppliers including Hannants in the UK or direct from www.star-decals.net

Full details including prices and availability may be found at www.star-decals.net

Many thanks to Johan Lexell for the sample


Text and Images by Peter Brown 22 September, 2024
Page Last Updated 22 September, 2024