Home > Reviews > Modern > SabingaMartin Publications Centurion Tanks of the IDF Volume 10 188th Brigade Shot Tanks at the Golan Heights before the Yom Kippur War By Dr Robert Manasherob

SabingaMartin Publications

Centurion Tanks of the IDF Volume 10

188th Brigade Shot Tanks at the Golan Heights before the Yom Kippur War

by Dr Robert Manasherob

Reviewed by Peter Brown


Title and Publisher: SabingaMartin Publications Centurion Tanks of the IDF Volume 10 188th Brigade Shot Tanks at the Golan Heights before the Yom Kippur War By Dr Robert Manasherob
Format and ISBN: 80 pages  soft cover, 978-0-9841437-2-6
Website www.sabingamartin.com
Price: USD$40.00 plus shipping available online from SabingaMartin Publishing's website
Review Type: FirstRead
Advantages: Lots of detail for modellers and enthusiasts.
Recommendation: Highly detailed coverage of the tanks of this unit


The Israeli Defence Forces stationed its 188th Brigade on the Golan Heights in the years leading up to the Syrian attack during the 1973 Yom Kuppur war.

After trying various types of tank to see which was the most suitable for operating in the area, the Centurion or “Shot” was selected. Initially these had the original British Meteor petrol engine and gearbox and 20pdr main gun but they were soon replaced by the Shot Kal with its 105mm gun and American Continental/Allison units. Together these gave much improved firepower and far greater mobility and reliability.

A short account of this variant’s development is included along with a history of the Brigade and its Battalions. Their operations against artillery fire from the Syrians and in response to attacks by the Palestine Liberation Organisation are described. How a forward outpost was organised and manned with their often makeshift accommodation get detailed coverage with a selection of black and white and some colour photos of crews in various types of uniforms at work and play including a snowman!

Many photos of tanks, both general views and close ups in black and white with a few colour, are included with some showing the minor damage caused by long-range shelling. There is also a series of colour close-ups of Shots, one covers the side skirts showing how they are attached, another the towing cables and finally the tracks including the modifications made for tanks operating in this area. A set of 1/35th scale five-view plans shows a Shot Kal.

Although details of colours and markings are included in the photo captions, the final chapter covers the marking system in detail with eight colour plates showing side and detail views of front, rear and turret markings.
As I have said before, this series can be summed up as “all you might want to know about Israeli AFVs”. This latest addition goes into even more detail than usual! Recommended for Centurion and Israeli tank enthusiasts.

Peter Brown for Brett Green - 29 June 2024

Thanks to SabingaMartin Publications for the sample www.sabingamartin.com


Text and Image by Peter Brown
Page Created 30 June, 2024
Page Last Updated 30 June, 2024