Bison Decal Sheet 35009 Warrior
ISV / ICV “Op Telic 2003, Iraq 2004”
by Graeme Davidson

This sheet is screen printed and includes markings for
6 complete Warriors as follows:
ISV: “B”Company, Irish Guards “One Zero” [10],
Iraq ‘03
ISV: UnknownUnit {black cat head superimposed on a square}, “post
war” Iraq ‘03
ICV: UnknownUnit {red & white checked antenna flag} callsign “Zero
Bravo” [0B], Iraq ‘03
ISV: “A”Company, Irish Guards “Three Zero” [30],
Iraq ‘03
ISV:Royal Regt of Fusiliers, “Three Two” [32], Iraq ’03.
Royal Regt of Fusiliers, “One Three” [13], Iraq ’03.
As with the Challenger sheets, the instructions comprise
a single black & white photocopied sheet. With six vehicles compressed
into a 4x10 inch space, this makes for some pretty small fonts. Though
small, the reproduction is at least quite clear. The legend is something
different as individual markings are not identified by and subscript on
the sheet itself. There are also a few internet and print references provided.
The film looks quite good and registration is spot on, you can actually
make out the “Light Infantry” motto on one of the decals,
though this option is not called out in the instructions. Option 4 gives
you the choice of using a green or black shamrock.

These would do well on the new Academy “Desert Warrior”,
or with the same kit plus the Accurate Armour ICV upgrade