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STUG: Assault Gun Units In The East, Bagration To Berlin

ADH Publishing, in collaboration with The Oliver Publishing Group, is proud to announce a new series of books for the modeller, military enthusiast and general reader.

Each title includes:
Superbly rendered and meticulously researched colour profiles
Black and white period photographs sourced from the world's major archives and private collections
Background history
Detailed orders of battle and tables of organisation

The second title in the Firefly Collection series, STUG: Assault Gun Units In The East, Bagration To Berlin, will be the first volume in a two part set and will also include:
Histories of the German Army's assault gun units, volume two will contain Waffen SS, Luftwaffe and obscure units
Colour artwork by Dennis Oliver depicting over 40 different vehicles with details of unit markings and insignia
Explanation of vehicle characteristics and production and field modifications
Campaign maps and diagrams
Available online from ADH Books

Thanks to ADH Books for the images and information
Text and Images by ADH Publishing
Page Created 27 January, 2013
Page Last Updated
27 January, 2013