The Modeller’s Guide to
the Tiger Tank
by Patrick A Stansell
Published by Ampersand Publishing Company, Inc, no ISBN,
172 pages

This book has had a very long gestation since its first
announcement, but the wait was well worthwhile. First is a historical
section, with carefully chosen photographs to show Tiger Is and IIs from
different production dates and captions that explain their differences
and individual points of interest. That’s the first 20 pages, quite
comprehensive in itself. But wait! Next come no fewer than 46 pages of
text, drawings and photographs showing all the changes to both Tiger I
and Tiger II. For instance, 10 separate plan views, in 1/35 scale, showing
all the successive changes to engine deck and tool stowage for Tiger I.
The drawings and plans are not all to 1/35, but they’re all big
and clear so you can pick out what they’re showing and they all
have captions keyed to the features shown. Excellent!
Next are 25 pages of colour photographs of the 13 Tiger
I and II models built for the book, with notes, followed by 5 pages in
colour showing various techniques for construction, weathering, detailing
the tools, adding armour texture and applying Zimmerit. These are very
useful too, particularly for anyone without previous experience of Zimmerit
The next 59 pages show in detail what was done to produce
each of the 13 models, from the first prototype Tiger I to the final production
Tiger II. Each section gives full details of the kits and accessories
used, so anyone wanting to make the models has an excellent guide. There’s
little room for error here, if you want a Tiger from a particular production
period all the information is set out and all you have to do is choose
your preferred unit and the applicable camouflage and markings. Vice versa,
if you choose the unit etc first you can check with this book to identify
its batch and the changes needed to your base kit – even which base
kit to use and why.
Finally there are a very comprehensive list of Tiger Kits
and accessories, with notes on what’s included in each kit or set,
a bibliography again with notes on the books’ contents and recommendations
of which to get, and a list of all known Tiger chassis numbers with their
dates of production and user units.
This is a first-rate book for modellers, and a worthy complement to the
Jentz and Doyle masterworks on the Tigers which Pat Stansell specifies
as prime references. Highly recommended to all Axis tank fans!
John Prigent