Bison Decals Tiger I, s.Pz.Abt.
507, 510 & Grossedeutschland Late Production (BD 35025)
by Frank De Sisto
1/35-scale water-slide decals with markings for seven complete models.
Price: $9.00 USD, plus shipping.

This third new set from Bison will allow the modeler to depict late production
Tiger Is from three different units, all of which have unusual features.
In particular, many of these Tigers sported extra spare tracks on the
turret sides, which had the panzer’s Tac numbers painted directly
on the surfaces of the links. All, except the Grossdeutschland Tiger have
a unit insignia on the rear plate. All have zimmerit as well.

The following panzers are included:
• White/black 100, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun.
• White/black 114, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun.
• White/black 203, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun.
• White/black 322, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun.
• Black/white 124, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun and olivgruen.
• Black/white 133, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun and olivgruen.
• Black/white 233, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun and olivgruen.
• Black S01, in dunkelgelb with rotbraun.
The decals themselves are very crisply printed with each design on its
own very thin carrier film. Registration is excellent. The instructions
clearly show “what goes where”, often consisting of a profile
as well as detail views. Numbers match the specific decal design to its
location on each model, while color notes are also given. References are
listed and the modeler can also visit the manufacturer’s web page
for color images of the art.
For the price, you simply cannot go wrong.
Bison products are available at retail and mail order shops and directly
from the manufacturer at:
Visit their website for images of reviewed items.