Armor Battles of the Waffen-SS
by Will Fey (translated by
Henri Henschler)
Published by Stackpole Books, Pennsylvania USA, 2004, ISBN
number 0-8117-2905-2. Paperback, 374 pages.

Author Will Fey started his combat career in the German Wehrmacht as
an anti-tank gunner with the 52nd Infantry Division. After being severely
wounded early in the war, he transferred to a heavy tank battalion (102)
of the Waffen-SS, eventually commanding Tigers. His wartime career ended
in the last battles around Berlin commanding a group of tank destroyers.
The highly decorated (including the Knight’s Cross) Fey later joined
the Federal German Armed Forces after the war, and served until 1973.
Afterwards, he worked in various capacities in cooperation with NATO’s
military organizations.
First Published in 1990 in a larger format by J.J Federowicz, Armor
Battles of the Waffen-SS is a compilation of wartime tales from Fey and
also many other members of the Waffen-SS Panzer crews. Although the earlier
publication included hundreds of photographs, the more affordable Stackpole
publication does have 38 photos and numerous maps and diagrams. The various
dramas written by the men who fought in the tenacious battles from 1943-45
are vividly described, and allow the reader to feel the struggle and sacrifices
made on the battlefields of both Eastern and Western fronts.
The modeller will find the tales most interesting as in some cases specific
vehicles are referred to. One such example would be the battle including
the Tiger tank that Micheal Wittmann was killed in, which Fey devotes
a fair amount of text to. Unfortunately the related Cintheaux area map
that the text refers to is not included in this book, an oversight on
the part of the publisher.
Nevertheless, both modellers and tank enthusiasts will find this book
extremely informative and entertaining and a fine tribute to the soldiers
(both Allied and Axis) who took part in the battles.
The book can be purchased from Stackpole's website,
Amazon, and most major bookstores.
Gary Edmundson