Ultracast continue their
commitment to Commonwealth Armour Figures with their four
latest offerings.
The quality of these sets
maintain the remarkable standards set by their earlier
releases. Casting is flawless, and Kevin McLaughlin's
sculpting is attractive and realistic.
In common with their
earlier releases, casting blocks are kept to an absolute
35043 -
British/Empire Tank Crew Italy / NW Europe 1944 (wearing
1944 pattern denim summer tank overalls)
is Ultracast's fourth Commonwealth Tank Crew set.
This set fills an important gap by providing the
light weight denim tanker's 1944 pattern uniform
used in Italy and Northern Europe.

This new set
includes one full figure and two torsos. The full
figure includes separate arms and head. The
remaining crew comprise two identical torsoes and
five different heads. One of the heads wears a set
of headphones, while another sports a tanker's
helmet and goggles. The five heads for the three
figures offer a nice selection depending on the mood
of your scene.
A colour photograph
of the Commander will help with painting the

Normandy 1944 and
the long slog up the boot of Italy are popular
choices for modelling subjects. This attractive set
will dress up Cromwells, Churchills, Shermans and
35044 -
British Heads WWII (Tank Crew #4)
head set comprises the same five heads included in
the Tank Crew reviewed above. Modellers wanting some
variety for the earlier tank crew sets will find
these heads useful.

These heads will
also offer lots of scope for improvement and
variation to Tamiya's crew figures included in their
35045 -
Canadian/British Tank Commander Europe/Italy/North Africa
single figure is dressed cooler weather gear. His
head and arms are separate. An intercom microphone
is cast into one hand to ensure perfect fit of this
small part.
The Commander's pose is casual and very natural.

A colour photo is
included to assist painting and finishing.
Although the
heading states British or Canadian, I am sure that
this figure (and the one reviewed below) would be
equally appropriate depicting New Zealand or South
African armoured troops.
See the title image
for another view of this excellent figure. |
35046 -
Canadian/British Tank Commander Europe/Italy/North Africa
Another single Commander figure sitting on the
cupola of his tank, this time gazing into the
distance and holding a cigarette.

Once again a colour
photo is included to assist painting and finishing. |
Ultracast have made a
welcome contribution to populating the 1/35 scale British
and Commonwealth figure world over the last ten years.
These four new releases are
versatile additions to Ultracast's ever-growing range,
especially considering the relative explosion of
British-related armour subjects recently available in 1/35
Highly recommended.
Thanks to
Kevin at Ultracast for the review samples.
You may view these and
other products including photos at
Ultracast's Web Site.