Bison Decals Swimming and Wading
Shermans, WW2 British Shermans, Part 3 (BD-35014)
by Frank De Sisto

Water-slide decals in 1/35 scale. Price: $9.00 USD, plus shipping.
This latest in a continuing set of decal sheets for British Sherman medium
tanks covers both Duplex-Drive (DD) and Deep-Wading M4 medium tanks. Two
are DD tanks; three are Deep Wading tanks.
Tank “A” is red/white “68/Charmer”, a Sherman
III of the 27th Armoured Brigade. Tank “B”, a Sherman III
is also from the 27th and is red/white “10/Balaclava”. Tank
“E” is a Sherman I Hybrid of the 4th Armoured Brigade with
a yellow “triangle” squadron marking. All of these are fitted
with Deep Wading trunks. The Duplex-Drive tanks include tank “C”,
a Sherman III red/white “48/Borgia” of the of the 27th Armoured
Brigade. The final tank (D) is a Sherman V DD from the Staffordshire Yeomanry
with a yellow “circle” squadron sign.
The printing is done by Microscale in the USA, which is an assurance
to the consumer that such things as color saturation, registration and
image quality are first rate. The instructions consist of clear multi-view
drawings and references to the colors that should be used. Typically,
where markings could be checked against listed references, they were proven
to be accurate, showing yet again that the designer has done his homework.
These markings will prove to be very useful for builders of the Resicast
DD Shermans, as well as those who wish to use the various plastic kits
and plastic wading trunks from Italeri or Academy, to model Deep Wading
Highly recommended.
Bison products are available at retail and mail order shops and directly
from the manufacturer at:
Visit their web site for images of reviewed items.