AJ Press 10 – Japanese
Armor Volume 2
by Andrew Dextras

A real treat for Japanese WWII armour fans, this bilingual English-Polish
language book continues where volume 1 left off. Coverage begins with
the Type 97 Chi Ha and Type 1 Chi He. Numerous 1/35 scale line drawings
accompagny the period photos and text. The next section is a detailed
account of the Japanese armour in the Pacific conflict. Included in this
are accounts of action against the Russians, a subject not covered very
well in English language publications. Throughout this text are photos
of various Japanese armour types in combat as well as maps which illustrate
specific actions during the conflict.
The book then continues with some very nice colour plates which feature
Type 97 and Type 1 tanks. New to me is a colour plate of a Type 97 in
winter whitewash – nice modelling subject! The book finishes off
with a short summary of available models: I would have preferred either
greater depth to this section or to have left it out entirely and replace
it with colour plates or period photos.
There’s a real lack of books covering this subject, unless you count
the 2 or 3 Japanese-text-only Delta or Sunday Art publications. AJ Press
needs to be commended for continuing this series.
AirConnection website: www.airconnection.on.ca