Home > Reviews > Allied > Campaign 178, The Rhine Crossings 1945, by Ken Ford, illustrated by Howard Gerrard, Osprey Publishing Ltd

The Rhine Crossings 1945

Reviewed by John Prigent


Publisher and Title Campaign 178, The Rhine Crossings 1945, by Ken Ford, illustrated by Howard Gerrard, Osprey Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1-84603-026-0
Media and Contents: 96 pages
Price: US Price: $18.95, UK Price: £13.99, available online from Osprey Publishing
Review Type: First Read
Advantages: A readable account 21 Army Group's assault on the Rhine; interesting photos, colour plates and maps.
Recommendation: Recommended


The Rhine Crossings 1945This is a very good account of 21 Army Group’s assaults across the Rhine, and how the Germans tried to oppose them.

US troops were involved, not just British, though the US assault has been overshadowed by Patton’s “bouncing” of the Rhine further south.

LVTs and assault boats were used for the riverborne crossings, some almost unopposed due to the German Army’s lack of men after Hitler’s insistence on fighting to the end west of the Rhine. Others, including the airborne landings, saw heavy fighting in the fortified villages and towns.

All are described well and the text is backed up by a good selection of photographs and by excellent colour plates, maps and birds’-eye-views.


Thanks to Osprey Publishing for the review sample