ISU-152 |
Zvezda, 1/35 scale |
by Brett Green |

When Tamiya sent their brand-new 1/35 scale ISU-152 for review, I knew that I would have to build it straight away.
However, I had a number of after-market accessories for the old Zvezda kit squirelled away in my accessory drawers. It seemed a shame to waste these, so I decided to build both models side by side.

Eduard's older photo-etched set plus Aber's exquisite metal barrel helped enahnce the 1990s vintage Zvezda kit. Thanks to Creative Models Australia, I also added workable Modelkasten tracks. There was a bit of old-fashioned scratch building involved too.
You can see some photos of the model before paint by following this link.

The construction of both models featured in a detailed articles in Issue 45 of Model Military International magazine. This issue also included a "Think Tank Lite" reference piece with some background and historical photos.

Painting and finishing the Zvezda kit will be covered in a Feature in Issue 50, due out on 6 May.
Model, Images and Text
by Brett Green
Page Created 17 April, 2010
Page Last Updated
17 April, 2010