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Panther Ausf.G Late Version

Dragon Smart Kit, 1/35 scale

by Sylvain Couture



This is my 1/35 scale Panther G late built from Dragon’s Smart Kit #6268 with Friulmodel tracks.

The paints used were Gunze and Tamiya acrylics.

Weathering was achieved using post-shading, oil painting, washes, drybrushing and Mig pigments.



Chipping on the vehicle was done with Vallejo paint, a fine brush and foam dabbing. Chipping on the exhausts and towing cable was done with a combination of airbrush and Neo masking solution, complemented with the fine brush painting and foam dabbing.

In summary, this model was fun to build and I really like the Smart Kit approach.


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Model, Images and Text by Sylvain Couture
Page Created 30 September, 2007
Page Last Updated 29 September, 2007