Armada #20 T-26 part 1
Andrew Dextras
Coverage begins, quite naturally, with the development of the T-26 from its roots as the Vickers 6 ton tank. A number of interesting photos showing preliminary tests of the British tank in Russian hands are followed by a large number of images of the very early versions of the twin turreted AFV. Coverage then moves to the T-26 variants, most of which may be unknown to western modellers, including command version, flamethrowers, bridgelayers, mine plows, snowplows, facine layer, artillery tractors, infantry transporters, and SU-1 SPG. The number of variants is simply staggering and photo coverage is excellent.
The remainder of the book shows the twin turreted variants of the T-26 during training maneuvers and during the second world war.
In summary, this is an excellent book with the only negative point being the Russian only text. Captions are in English however.
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