Wydawnictwo #109 Panzer II Ausf L "Luchs" & Sdkfz 140/1 Aufklarungspanzer 38(t)
Andrew Dextras
This 40 page Polish language book concentrates on 2 German WWII light reconnaissance tanks which are very popular modelling subjects, especially since the ICM and techmod releases of the Luchs and the VM/Maquette release of the Sdkfz 140/1. Finding many images of these recon panzers under one cover until now has been rather difficult. Some Czech language books offer coverage of the Sdkfz 140/1 but Luchs coverage has been scattered among various Ground Power issues and the excellent Darlington Monograph by Tom Jentz.
1/35 scale drawings and colour plates are also included as well as some factory shots and colour museum photos. This volume however is especially useful in it’s wide variety of Luchs action images, many of which are from the 4th Panzer Divison. These are very helpful when planning to build a Luchs as there are many features specific to Luchs from different units. There are a number of good photos of the famous "toastrack" which carried spare idler wheel segments on the front hull.
Coverage of the Sdkfz 140/1 is more sparse, consisting mostly of factory images and some captured vehicles. These are very crisp and will certainly aid when detailing the model kit.
In combination with the Darlington book (which has many close-up detail images of the Luchs, but not many action images) this inexpensive book should be more than enough to create an excellent Luchs model. Highly recommended.
Wydawnictwo books can be purchased from AirConnection.
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