Aber 35068 Panzerjager I 4.7cm PaK
Andrew Dextras
Those madmen from Poland are at it again. This latest photo etch detail set from Aber is meant for the Italeri/Zvezda Panzerjager I 4.7cm Pak. Featuring 2 large brass sheets containing the major detail parts, one smaller brass sheet with grilles/screen and one acetate sheet for the instrument panel this detail redefines the word "comprehensive". The 6 pages of instructions (!!) cover almost every single external and internal area of the vehicle with the exception of the fenders and gun shield (both available as separate detail sets from Aber). The level of detail is up to Aber’s usual level, ie: beyond belief. The vision block detail is staggering and cover 1 complete page of the instructions. This is very good because they are quite complex and it is much easier to see how they go together when the instructions are clear and well laid out. There is some excellent interior details in this set with the new instrument panel being a highlight.
In combination with the other Aber sets dedicated to this vehicle and a set of aftermarket track links you can rest assured that your Panzerjager I will be the most accurate and detailed on the block.
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