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Paul Roberts

Conversion of Tamiya 1/35 M3 kit.

This vehicle was the automotive prototype for the M5 Stuart family. You can see that they used an early production M3 Stuart for this work. The model is a fairly simple conversion with bits from the M5 kit, AFV Club Stuart tracks, most of the M3 kit and bits from the Ares' M3 conversion (This conversion is from my masters and is not available at time of submission 05/07/99).

The the engine deck and hull sides of the M5 were grafted to the front and upper hull of the M3. The turret ring was replaced with the one from the M3 conversion as was the drivers' plate and turret. The turret gun opening was made more accurate and hollowed out somewhat. New engine deck plates were scribed into the M5 parts and the proper rivet pattern added from Grandt line. The rear hull plates were added from card stock and the air cleaners were built up from several diameters of tube and detailed with lead foil.

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